In Order for the Key to Fit the Lock

546.03Within those gates there is one lock and one narrow place, in which to insert that key. It is neither inscribed nor apparent, but only according to the inscription of the key, who do not know in the narrow place, but only in that key (Introduction of The Book of Zohar, Chapter “Lock and Key,” Item 44).

Question: The key is probably some kind of access to hidden knowledge, right? How can I discover inside myself where to insert this key?

Answer: You do not act mechanically as if dissecting something within yourself, but sensually, understanding that you need to change some qualities so that in the end the qualities of Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod relocate among themselves, the key enters Malchut and opens all of nature to you.

Question: How can a person discover this lock and key within himself?

Answer: If he studies Kabbalah, he begins to feel his connection with the concealed, and eventually comes to the conclusion that he needs to attain it. This is the purpose of his existence. Therefore, he goes toward this. There is no other way.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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