Evil Cannot Lead to Good

259.01Question: If you try to intellectually explain to a person that bestowal gives much greater pleasure, will it help him change?

Answer: Nothing will help. You can say whatever you want. Beautiful words will not affect our egoistic nature.

This is what the Communists wanted to do. They came to the conclusion that no one can be changed with words, so then they used terror. And what’s next? Who has benefited from this?

They have only built some foundations of a new technological society. But in fact, if they had moved with the tsarist regime, they would have done much more, would not have destroyed such huge human potential, and would not have erased it with hunger, lead, prisons, and everything else. They had good ideas, but their implementation was completely wrong. It is impossible to come to good by evil.

Therefore we need to develop all this only through education. Upbringing and education. We have to explain where we are.

Nothing goes away. We are trying to say that the crisis has passed. But we are covering it up; it has not gone anywhere. Everything stays inside. We drive the disease inside; new diseases appear, and the others are forgotten, then more new ones, and the previous ones are forgotten. And so we constantly compensate for everything.

We will print money, burn the last deposits of oil, and kill ourselves with pesticides and other chemical compounds. We will make a generation of mutants out of ourselves, and we will think that everything is fine.

And then the disease will break through anyway. We already see how this breaks out in completely unpredictable events. And no one can do anything!

The rulers of all countries feel powerless. Where does it suddenly appear from?! They don’t know themselves. Some new information is being dropped. New forces begin to operate in the world and move these puppets in a different way.

Question: What happens when a person is altering his egoistic nature and nears the bestowing nature? What is the replacement? Surely two natures cannot exist together in a person, can they?

Answer: No, there is a gradual approach to the altruistic nature.

Question: Isn’t there a sort of wedge being knocked out by another wedge?

Answer: In principle, there is a rather sharp transition, but before that a person begins to imagine approaching the spiritual world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Advantages of Altruism” 4/30/11

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