Does a Kabbalist See the Future?

928Question: A Kabbalist perceives much more than an ordinary person in his five material senses. Do you see or feel what others consider miracles?

Answer: In our world, I do not see more than everyone else sees. I see sources and connections between things. And, let’s say, I do not see the future more than others.

The future depends on our correction. I cannot do some tricks and predict the day after tomorrow this and that will happen. No! It depends upon people who change every second. If they change a little, then tomorrow will look different. It does not depend on me.

Baal HaSulam wrote about what he thought he would see during his lifetime. But to this day it has not materialized. It is the same with Rabash. I heard from him such things that never happened, although he believed that they were being realized from day to day.

Question: Why is there some kind of attractive force in a Kabbalist?

Answer: Because he feels and knows more, wider, and deeper, but not about tomorrow.

He knows according to what laws tomorrow should be realized, but not in what form: good or bad. The whole picture that you see depends on this: either it will be, God forbid, war, riots, earthquakes, fires, or the end of the world, as they say, or it will be insight, revelation, understanding of what is happening, and unification. The Kabbalist does not know this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is a Miracle” 3/6/11

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