Without Miracles

630.2Consistent study of Kabbalah develops qualities within a person that can be used to research spiritual space, to be born in this space and to live in it. 

These qualities develop gradually. This is the purpose of Kabbalah—to transform our egoism into altruism and to the degree of this transformation to begin seeing the upper world in this attitude to the world. And you see it and sense it; it is here.

Just like in science fiction movies about space: people look out the window, they see dark space, and suddenly some alien spaceship appears before them. They did not see it before. Why do they suddenly see it now? Apparently, they turned on a different property, a different locator, a different frequency, or different sensor.

It is the same here. This is pure physics and math, there are no miracles here.

We are gradually preparing a possibility for the revelation of the governing system, i.e., the upper world, the upper nature, or the Creator for all of humanity. This is our mission. Humanity does not know about it and it does not need to; it will know later.

Moreover, it will not know about us at all since this does not exist in the system, this is all nameless. But still, it is a tremendous pleasure to feel that you are paving the way. You understand in advance what joy and good will come out of this.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How does Laitman Use Students?” 12/15/12

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