The Sage Who Studies the Torah Lishma

249.03The main thing is to imagine yourself always standing before the upper force, which is one, bestows, good, and leads to the goal. If I direct myself toward the goal, I will always feel goodness and a good attitude to myself. If I yearn for the goal, I will always see that everything is aimed exactly at this goal, in order to help me reach the image that I have to mold from myself.

Everything is arranged to make me similar to Him. Everything that happens in my life are just exercises that are placed before me every moment so that I can form myself with their help.

If a person organizes himself in this way, he will be happy that he is in the process of forming his personality to become a man, Adam, which means “similar” to the Creator. Then he sees that there are no evil and hostile forces in the King’s palace, but everything is done for his benefit. Only the Creator accompanies him and “embraces him from front and back,” from all sides.

Everything is arranged only for the sake of adhering to the Creator, as the purpose of creation.

Therefore, if at some moment a person feels bad or uncomfortable about the purpose of creation, about the Creator, or about the surrounding reality, it is a sign that he has not yet brought himself into balance with the conditions given to him, nor in agreement with “the good who does good,” with “none else besides Him,” and has not connected with the quality of bestowal so that it would reign in him.

This is how we need to establish ourselves and constantly move toward complete correction.

If a person accepts all the conditions, causes, and accidents, and correctly uses the environment, the teachers, the group, and the study, and cares about them and about dissemination throughout the world, if he accepts everything in order to reach the quality of bestowal so that only a point of effort remains from him and everything else in him is filled with bestowal, this means that he is studying the Torah Lishma.

That is, he turns all the strength he has received—all his powers, qualities, and abilities—into a form of bestowal. He wants to rise above his quality of reception in such a way that he does not feel that it really exists so that only bestowal would rule.

If this is the desire of a person, he is called a sage, Talmid HaCham (a disciple of the sage), and is studying the Torah Lishma. After all, he learns from the sage, from the Creator, and receives examples from Him at every moment of his life, and strives to attribute them all to the force of bestowal, to one force that is good and does good.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/28/11, Shamati #22 “Torah Lishma (For Her Name)”

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