Is There Anything Outside of Our Qualities?

249.01Comment: Often, when you listen to a lesson, your mind seems to be cancelled; there is no perception at the level of logic, and it is very difficult for you to grasp something. And then, when you listen to the same lesson again, everything becomes logical and clearly structured. The picture is beautiful.

My Response: It all depends on you. And for someone else, it may be the other way around. During the lesson everything was logical, harmonious, and clear, and in the afternoon, a person listened again and had confusion in his head, he did not take in anything.

Question: And how should it be?

Answer: Neither way! Everything is relative to a person. If you have the opportunity to arrange yourself for a lesson, that is, to prepare yourself internally for it, then you will perceive it correctly, and if not, then no.

It is just like with the upper world: if you have the opportunity to create it in you, then you create it, and if there is no such opportunity, then it simply does not exist. It is not there!

Therefore, everything is aimed at creating qualities in you that would correctly depict the spiritual. And outside of our qualities, there is absolutely nothing.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Nothing Exists” 10/3/12

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