The Wall We Need to Break

528.02Comment: Let’s say we are doing a project together, and if there are mistakes, we sit down and discuss them. At first, everyone thinks they are right. Then, if a person nevertheless tries to hear another, analysis ensues.

The next time we start to do something, the same situation arises again. You look at this situation: “But you did this analysis yourself! How can you re-enter this state again?” And it happens this way all the time.

My Response: No, not all the time. These are new Reshimot, new informational data, a new time! A person has changed, and even pictures from the past look new.

Comment: When we work together we become closer to each other, a certain importance arises, but when I need to take the next step, there is a wall that I constantly have to break.

My Response: But at the same time, there is an understanding that it was specially created between you so that you could overcome it precisely by yearning for each other.

Comment: This is a very interesting learning process.

My Response: There is still a lot to come, a lot of all sorts of pleasant surprises.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Two Kinds of Disturbances” 3/25/12

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