Intention in Kabbalistic Places

725Question: Let’s say we go to the cave Idra Raba where The Book of Zohar was written. What should be our intention?

Answer: The Book of Zohar is a special book of Kabbalah that describes absolutely all connections between souls that they must restore in order to fully ascend to the degree of the Creator.

This is what a person should do in this life, in this world—reveal our complete interconnection for himself and thus become similar to the Creator. This is what we should strive for.

Question: So, the thought of unity there, in this place, adds something to a person?

Answer: Of course! If I want to come to this place and somehow connect to the spiritual force reigning there, then of course this should help me.

I remember our trips there with my teacher Rabash, and what an impression they made on me. Today it is no longer so because from any place on earth I can connect to any upper source. But then, it was the only opportunity for me. Therefore, I strongly advise our friends or guests, do not miss this opportunity.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalistic Geography” 10/10/10

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