A Common Platform for Mutual Understanding

962.3Question: Suppose you need to meet and talk with someone. Do you perform a series of actions that enable you to connect with this person?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. But this should immediately manifest itself on the basis of some common platform: for what, why, what is in the past, future, or present. There should be something in common. If it turns out quickly, then I am ready to communicate.

For example, I have interviews with people who come to our studio. So right away within 10 to 15 minutes, I find out in a polite conversation whether we have a common platform, a mutual understanding, or a common viewpoint on some problem in the world or on all problems in general.

If so, then we have something to talk about. We debate and discuss things in this common field. If it is not the case, then no. Then we politely slip one past the other and that is it.

I never convince anyone that I am right. It is useless and unnecessary. Even if you could politely convince someone that he is wrong and your point of view is right, you should not do this, not because I am afraid to somehow hurt my opponent and leave a bad impression of myself as an arrogant person exerting pressure, but because this will not help.

A person himself must “ripen” from within, and get to the point of view that appears each time at the moment of its maturation. Maybe someday he will agree with you, and maybe you will agree with him. So you should not pressure anyone.

Tell your opponent what you think is the right thing to do. Also to listen to what he thinks. But in no case to try to pressure him. Even if together you want to come to a common opinion by putting pressure on each other, it is also wrong. Let your feelings and mind develop normally and calmly so that you finally feel your next state. It is you who should evolve!

Therefore, I have no need for any discussions with anyone or getting into special contact with anyone except in cases in which some kind of influence on a person who has a special status is possible. For example, I was in Italy where I met with a representative of the European Union and explained our method to him and what can be done to overcome the crisis. He enjoyed taking notes on it. For an hour and a half, I dictated to him what to do, as if he were a student, and he, like a student, wrote it down.

It was very serious work that we did together for an hour and a half. It gave a lot to me and to him. Not because I was engaged in moralizing, as it were, but because I saw that this man really understands the problem and does not know how to solve it.

And he really wanted to find a solution. And I, for my part, felt that this was how it should be solved. In general, we made good contact.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman’s Contacts” 2/7/13

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