To Help Each Other To Attain The Creator

528.01Question: We have been talking for more than a year about “bestowal” and “to bestow upon n a person or the Creator.” Now it feels like we are at the starting point of the path. I would like all of us to understand this concept of bestowal in the same way; otherwise a discrepancy will begin, and the further we go the more it will grow.

What kind of bestowal are we talking about? What is it? In material terms, I can give each friend 100 rubles and everything will be fine, but what are we talking about?

Answer: We are talking about helping each of us. And help can only be in helping to reach the Creator.

And we can reach the Creator only when we are united together in the most assembled Kli (vessel), with as many parts together as possible, with the strongest possible connection between all parts. That’s what we have to do.

But one cannot do without the other in any way. We cannot reveal the Creator within ourselves. I can only reveal Him in a good connection between myself and a friend. When we relate to each other in some way similar to the Creator’s quality, then we reveal Him.

Therefore in order to reveal the Creator, someone else is needed besides me, a person with whom I will have such a mutual relationship that I will treat him as the Creator treats us. In principle, we have to do this.

Therefore our work is purely practical. Studying will in no way replace it for us. We should simply change our relationships and make them more similar to the qualities of the Creator. Then we will be called “man” (Adam), from the word “edome“—similar to the Creator.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/6/22, “Approaching the Creator Through the Network of Connections Between Us” Lesson 1

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