Raise The Friends In Your Eyes

592.04Rabash, Article No. 21 (1986), “Concerning Above Reason”: This is why they said that when the evil inclination comes and shows him the lowliness of the friends, he should go above reason. But certainly, it would be better and more successful if he could see within reason that the friends are at a higher degree than his own.

I must not forget that everything that I feel in my five senses is depicted by my egoism. It shows me what kind of world surrounds me and what the group is. And I perceive it only through my egoism.

Therefore, if I yearn to see the world differently than my ego depicts it, and I can do this only with an external effort, with the effort of the group, then I can rise above this egoistic picture and begin to feel the world of the Creator instead. And this is very simple to do.

When the evil inclination comes and shows him the lowliness of the friends, he should go above reason. That is, above what he sees, although he can see each friend in an unattractive form, he must use his efforts to raise his friend as high as possible.

But certainly, it would be better and more successful if he could see within reason—within his reason—that the friends are at a higher degree than his own.

But if he does not see this in his reason, then he must imagine in faith above reason that his friends, contrary to his opinion, are above him.

Hence the conclusion: the only correct way out of any state is to raise the friends in your eyes. At any given time, I have to think about how to keep them higher and higher in my feelings, mind, and impressions. This should be our permanent work. And then I will reach the state where I see the Creator through them.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/7/22, “Adhering to the Friends” Lesson 3

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