Don’t Ride A Dead Horse

276.03When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. (Dakota wisdom)

Question: What does this mean for you?

Answer: For me this means that in my life I use a vehicle that leads me to death, which in itself, the very source, the very paradigm, is death. We must get off it.

Question: What is it? Is this the ego that I ride all the time?

Answer: I jump in my life trying to achieve some goals, maybe they are noble, lofty, and great for me, and gradually I discover that the horse is dead.

Question: Then what does it mean to you to ride a live horse?

Answer: Riding a live horse is when both me and the horse feel we are moving toward the goal. And this goal is life. And when I discover that the means with which I am jumping (egoism) is dead, it kills everything around and as a result, also itself, then I have to get off it.

Question: You said jumping to the goal. For what purpose?

Answer: Whatever I want to achieve in life, it doesn’t matter what, I must make sure that selfishness does not lead me to it but in an absolutely opposite direction. And if I am convinced of this, then I am already riding on a live horse.

Question: Immediately? Automatically?

Answer: Not automatically, you have to reveal what it is, that is, transfer to a horse not facing its tail, but head to head.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/5/21

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