Choosing The Ten

934Question: On one hand the created being is a puppet on a string. On the other hand, he can seemingly choose something. So can he choose or not? What does he need in order to have a choice?

Answer: The only choice we have is the ten. It comes down to entering the right society that will lead you forward and that you too will help. This is the ten.

So, organize in tens and then you will feel that you can really find different directions and landmarks correctly and thus change yourselves.

Comment: But in the article “The Freedom,” Baal HaSulam says that a person chooses according to the desires and the tastes of the society that surrounds him, not by its best part, but by the majority. But you say the ten.

My Response: A ten does not operate according to its desires!

How does a society choose its ideals? Is it according to its strong and clever members or according to the fools, the thieves, the bribe-takers, etc.? Who gets to the top of the egoistic ladder? The greatest criminals. Everyone understands this.

The tens, on the other hand, were created according to different rules, according to different values! A ten is a totally different system. It is mutual help, mutual love, and developing the right relations with each other that do not exist in our world. We want to create the relations of the upper world in the ten; you try to do everything in order to bestow.

Question: Does this mean that I build a healthy cell in this ill body?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 5/12/19

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