At The Degree Of Prophecy

250Prophecy is a state when a person rises above the degree he is at and wants to raise to the next degree, but he has not yet reached it and he simply sees the future.

That is, it is also a dream, but on a higher level when a person can see many degrees ahead.

The period of the prophecy was about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago.

All the prophets predicted what will happen starting from our days and onward because we are the first generation that begins implementing the spiritual mechanics in practice. Therefore, they talked about how we will implement it on ourselves, how we will advance.

Until now, the process of human development happened automatically. However, starting from our time, we incorporate freewill in order to gradually realize the prophetic degrees.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #5

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