Sacred Hatred

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It seems that the action required of the created being in the dialogue with the Creator is only a prayer.

Answer: In this state we reach a real cry, not just a prayer. This is how strongly we feel the burning need for the removal of the concealment, and there are two states here.

In the first state I discover how I hate the concealment, from my personal egoistic perspective. I really hate this concealment and only want and hope that it would disappear, rot, and cease to exist. There is no greater joy for me than to discover that it has disappeared, burned, and been destroyed.

This state is meant to teach me and to show me the full measure of my hatred towards the concealment. Now I need to reach that, although I suddenly lose interest, but I hate it only because by removing it, I delight the Creator.

Can I reach the same burning hatred towards concealment because it stands in my way of delighting the Creator? I already have something to compare it to, my personal egoistic hatred. Now I need to apply the same impression with regard to the Creator: Can I hate this obstacle so much, although it’s not a hindrance for me but for Him because it doesn’t let me delight Him? And it’s certainly not in order to receive a reward, but in order to bestow.
From the preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/14

Related Material:
How Can We Hate Evil?
Hating Evil Brings Us Closer To Goodness
Drawing the Creator’s Image When He Is Concealed

One Comment

  1. This section isn’t very clear to me. On one hand one is to see every action as good from the creator, so why hate the concealment, rather is it not there for the purpose of submitting to the creators will to test hate within oneself and to overcome it?
    As a child who cannot understand the reason why the parent says no, and hates the parent for it, and over comes it when the need for something arises, is not hate rather innocence/ignorance of the reasons behind the parent saying no, as is with adults.

    Maybe I am way off the mark on understanding this concept, but then again like any child with a new piece of paper and a crayon, the act of watching the colors appear on the paper are more exciting and magical then the finished design.
    I am trying to understand this as there is too much hatred in the world already. Even the mention of the word invokes pain. So why do we have to hate the concealment, if one understands nothing is concealed only to the one who is separated from acknowledge their own evil?

    Thank you,

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