Material Abundance At Expense Of Complete Inner Emptiness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If a higher management operates within everything, why is it said that the wisdom of Kabbalah was revealed before its time?

Answer: The Kabbalists of the past let the nations of the world learn the wisdom of Kabbalah and get all of the knowledge that they wanted from there so they could develop the science and wisdom of this world.

Through this, the world could develop in an egoistic way and could reach recognition of evil. But the wisdom of Kabbalah was concealed from the people of Israel; otherwise, it would not have felt that it was in exile. A little involvement with the wisdom of Kabbalah already gave them some illumination.

So on one hand, the Kabbalists revealed external wisdom to all of the nations of the world, and on the other hand, they concealed the internal wisdom. So it follows that the external wisdom was revealed more and more, and the internal wisdom was concealed more and more.

These processes approached each other: Spirituality descended and subsided, and materiality grew all the time. Eventually, we came to such a state that today we have an abundance of materiality; you can do what you want! But there is no satisfaction from this life.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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