How To Become Attractive To Everyone

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How should a person involved in integral upbringing of the world look in order to be attractive to all?

Answer: A person involved in integral upbringing should express confidence that he has found a stable point in his life. This is precisely what everyone is lacking today. Indeed, the most stable point in life can only be in a person who exists at the center of all interactions, who is tied with everyone through the correct integral connection: with family, society, the environment, business, and nature. The public has to perceive him as stable, comfortable, free, and friendly. After all, he doesn’t have any problems and he doesn’t have to constantly protect himself, to be on guard, or to fence himself away from any person.

He has to radiate well-wishing confidence and friendliness precisely because inside he is whole. He is calm and stable; he is just the way children want to see their father. In this case, he will be a magnet for people. Then they will be asking themselves, “How can I achieve such a state where I feel absolute comfort?” This is because inner balance and calm attract people.
From the “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 1/20/13

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