From Where Does One Take The Desire To Rise Up From The Sofa?

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom Rabash’s Letter No. 13: One must always make efforts that the descent won’t become an obstacle for a long time and last for too long, but to immediately strengthen, trust in the Creator, and pray from the depth of his heart. That is, if you fell to the bottom of a deep well, pray to the Creator. 

But from where should we take the strength during the descent so as to ask for help from the Creator? It’s here that we need the support of the society since man has no strength of his own. Otherwise, it wasn’t a descent if he had the strength to pray. On the contrary, it was the best situation for him.

A descent is not when a person feels that he has entered an unpleasant state, into darkness, but when he has separated from the Creator. Any state where he has separated from the Creator is bad. If he feels a connection with the Creator, it’s good without any connection to the situation that he encountered, whether it was pleasant or not.

However, if he feels separated from the Creator, how can he turn to Him? Thus he needs the influence from the side, from the environment that will support him. And if a person has disconnected from the Creator, doesn’t feel the importance of spirituality, is ready to degrade it, just waste his time, if he doesn’t have the strength to rise above the descent to prayer, but rather he agrees to remain “dead,” then at some level he needs to use the desires of the friends.

It’s similar to the father of a family who is tired, not healthy, but he has no other choice: He must get up and go to work to make a living for his children. It’s the same way for a person who uses the desires of the group and awakens to prayer.

And if there is no such connection to the group and he’s not able to receive desires from it, then he agrees with the situation of being “dead” and continues to lie down as he is doing. Everything depends on the connection to the group, as it is written: “It isn’t the prisoner who releases himself from prison.” One needs others to save him.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/8/12

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 08.14.12

Preparation to the Lesson

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