The Light Intensifier

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does it mean to be transparent for the Light and to let it pass through me?

Answer: It means to be similar to the Light. Then it passes through you without any interference. That is, you become its conductor. You are not just something transparent so it can pass through you without obstacles, but you participate in its passage through you.

We remain in our egoism that became so much lighter that it let the Light pass through us. This Light passes and comes out of you even stronger by being transmitted to others. Suppose at the entrance, the power of the Light was “P1,” and the power of your egoism “E.” Then, “P1” multiplied by “E” is the power of the Light “P2” that exits you.

The Light Intensifier
You are an intensifier of the Light on its way.

From the 2nd lesson at the Moscow Convention 6/10/11

Related Material:
Together Towards The Light
What Does It Hide, This Spark Of Light?
The Fast Road To The Spiritual World

One Comment

  1. this is why the level of the virgin of Israel (Mary) is the level of our own transparancy recognized: She says, my SOUL does MAGNIFY the LORD, meaning now the CLEAR glass of the soul is revealed as that which ENABLES the LORD to shine from the heart…………in the book of Revelation, the “SEA OF GLASS” is that WHOLE SOUL (whole kli) whose heart has become transparant to the LIGHT thus magnifying the LOVE of creator towards all, since glass is made of dirt/ego and the creators light shining on it…..till it can GO THROUGH IT…..

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