Standing At The Threshold

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does the concept of “secrets of the Torah” mean?

Answer: A “secret” is something I cannot reveal even though it’s clear to me that it exists. I experience the sensation of a “secret” when standing at the threshold of something new, before opening up the door.

Besides, irrelative of me, “secrets of the Torah” are the Lights that are concealed by Atik. They are in the head of Arich Anpin in the form of a concealed wisdom. These Lights are hidden because right now we do not have a covering for them which would enable us to discern them. However, for me they are not a secret because I do not feel them.

The real secret is the curtain that I feel. For example, exile is the anticipation of redemption, which is felt as extremely necessary but not yet acquired. Inside the very sensation of the emptiness, I already outline the contours of the future fulfillment. This means experiencing oneself in exile: I understand and feel what I want, and all I lack is the implementation.

The same is true for a “secret”: I feel that I lack the quality of bestowal so that inside of its Light of Hassadim I would reveal the Light of Hochma. The knowledge that brings this Light is hidden from me.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/26/11, “Disclosing a Portion, Covering Two”

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Introductory Lecture “Spiritual Feeling” – 04.26.11

Kabbalah for the Nation Introductory Lecture Series, “Spiritual Feeling”
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Spiritual World For Beginners

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Should we only use terms that speak of the laws of nature at the classes for beginners and only later introduce the Kabbalistic terminology?

Answer: No, we can speak openly with the people who come to us with the point in the heart and gradually advance them. But if we were to speak to them about the laws of nature, they would think that we are preaching physics or sociology to them. They need to hear about the structure of the spiritual world. This is what they strive to, and we need to give it to them.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

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Put Yourself In Someone Else’s Shoes

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When a person eases someone’s suffering, does he thereby distance that person from spirituality?

Answer: It seems that the person will suffer less, but then he will not ask himself why there is suffering. Does this mean that if I wish people well, I must force them to suffer?

Basically, the main commandment of the Torah is “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Simply put yourself in that person’s shoes. For example, think what would you do if it were your small, favorite child, and then you will do the right thing.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

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Do Children Have A Connection With The Creator?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Are children born with the point in the heart, filled with absolute love?

Answer: No, there are no people born with the point in the heart, full of love of others. On the contrary, a child is born with a ruined point in the heart. It is precisely this black point that we refer to as the “point in the heart.” He needs to develop, expand, correct, and fulfill it through connecting with others.

There are children born with the point in the heart, and there are those whose point in this incarnation has not yet “emerged” and they do not yet feel the question about the meaning of life.

Question: Do small children have contact with the Creator, and do we need to create conditions for the development of their spirituality from their early months of life?

Answer: We begin to work with children after they turn three. Until that age, they do not perceive anything but their animate state.

We need to form the proper attitude towards others in children. They do not understand what others are until the age of three. But at the age of three they develop initial “social relations” with other children, they already play together. This is why it is possible to start working with them.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

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Egyptian Bondage As Big As The Universe

Dr. Michael LaitmanPharaoh and all of his ministers are the Creator’s loyal slaves, meaning “angels” or the forces that realize the program of creation. They carry out the orders of the upper force, the Creator, since besides Him, nothing else exists. But for now, the Creator is placing Pharaoh with all his loyalty as a ruler to work for the Creator and rule over man in this world instead of Him, in order to give us the sensation of darkness and bring us to the need to reveal the opposite force, that of love and bestowal.

Right now, Pharaoh himself is being revealed in our world. Before, only his helpers, his ministers, were being revealed to us. We did not hear about Pharaoh himself until the actual end of the “Egyptian exile,” when it suddenly became announced that “a new king has risen over Egypt.” Until then, certain directors and ministers were in control.

The same also happened in the history of mankind. We were influenced by different smaller forces which pushed the development of human society: new inventions, the discovery of new continents, new technologies, until we reached a global world. And here Pharaoh is beginning to reveal himself: He is the force that prevents and does not let us unite.

Many people around the world already feel that salvation lies only in connection. We see that, given such a degree of interdependence, we are not left with any other choice since the world has become so global. The only way to improve life is to come together. We don’t have any other choice when we depend on each other so much. We won’t be able to divorce one another like in a failed marriage and go our own way. We are living on a single, tiny globe, and we have nowhere to go: We are locked up, like in a cage.

But we are unable to agree with one another in this world, create a common world government, or achieve somewhat of a single opinion, and we constantly argue. And these disagreements will not end; they will only keep growing.

It will be very strange seeing it because everyone really depends on one another: Europe, America, the Arab countries, Asia, Russia, Japan, China. Is it really that difficult to gather in one place, have another “G-50,” and come to some kind of a common agreement? Otherwise, the world will simply go back to the initial “chaos and darkness.”

But people will not manage to come to an agreement. The force of evil will keep getting in the way and stand between them, and they will not be able to understand how they can connect. They will only reveal their inability to connect and will not learn how to attain it. This is because revealing the “means” of connection is the same as revealing the upper force, the only thing that can connect us. This is the state we are heading towards.

This will not be a simple time. So far, people are somehow managing to continue living as before, as if the world has not become global and they can continue to exist without taking the interests of everyone else into consideration. But our development must absolutely lead us to unification. Yet there will be no strength to unite. This is where Pharaoh, who is separating us, will be revealed.

And then, as it is written in the story of Egyptian bondage, “they will cry out (this time it will be the sons of the entire world),” not knowing what to do. And here they will reveal that there is a method, the wisdom of Kabbalah, which reveals the Creator to the creatures in this world.

After all, we won’t be able to have even a very ordinary life in this world without revealing this force. We simply will not be able to exist: We will consume one another. It is in this way that the need for Kabbalah, as the means of revealing the Creator, will be revealed. And we will learn that the world was created this way and has undergone this development only to become like the Creator and unite with Him while striving to reveal Him. The entire program of creation will be realized thereby.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/2011, Writings of Rabash


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Dr. Michael LaitmanGlobalistics is a study of common problems of humanity. It appeared out of an analysis of problems that have appeared after World War II. The analysis showed the beginning of global processes in the world. Their solution required the participation of all humanity, where its further existence depends on solving the problems.

These problems have always existed but in a local form, and now they have acquired a global nature as a consequence of human integration. Global problems are not caused by what seems to be natural human development, but are programmed into the development of society by nature.

The globalization of problems comes from the emergence of integrated world dependencies and cannot be solved by a single country or a group of countries that are isolated from the rest. Globalization also manifests in their integration since it is impossible to solve one problem without solving all the others.

Globalization of problems forces us to use a global method to examine and solve them. Decisions must be based on the fact that the interests of humanity as a whole always and in every way prevail over the interests of any of its parts. Protectionism and competition should be rejected. Instead, we must create complete interconnections at a global scale and get rid of all the barriers between nations and people.

But it is the global problems in particular that help us see humanity as a global integrated system and reveal the opposition between “humanity and nature” to us.

Until now, all the strategies of human survival called for a cutback in the economic and demographic growth. Others proposed to realize this by region in order to level out all the world regions with time. Gradually, the inability of all the approaches to solve the global problems becomes apparent. This is because they can only be solved with an integral force, and only after rising above all the barriers of humanity.

Roland Robertson, the first person to use the term “globalization” in 1983, believed that a global consciousness is being formed in people, and it will change humanity completely. This can be done either through the impact of enormous suffering or through the dissemination of Kabbalah, the method of the correction of egoism as the source of all problems that arise.

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Now That You Have The Method, Pass It Forward

Dr. Michael LaitmanAmerica is the largest, richest, and mightiest world power. Americans still have that pioneer spirit; they love to recall their roots.

This is why we have an opportunity to influence the world through America. At first, we won’t mention Kabbalah, and instead, explain to the masses our current state and the method that offers the solution, and then, gradually, we will bring them to the original sources.

If we have a shot at bringing the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world, it can only happen through here. The world pays attention to what’s happening in the US. The vast majority of the Internet is in English. The language, might, and authority of America will play their role. All this means we must begin the war on a global crisis from precisely here.

We need to work together to organize a dissemination system. This is our primary challenge. And here you must find the resources to meet this challenge. The Kabbalah Education Center has been successful in educating people with a point in the heart. But if we want true spiritual advancement, it’s only possible if we work according to the “pass it forward” principle.

We must disseminate Kabbalah without pressure: no shoving fliers into people’s hands, accompanied by passionate efforts to convince them. Rather, we must act in a composed, respectable manner, but also consistently and as efficiently as possible, using our principles and all sorts of scientific and research data as foundations.

There were dozens of other students studying with Rabash besides me. I was the closest to him, and also his assistant and secretary, which has helped me tremendously. But that wasn’t the key. What helped me the most is that in 1983, when he was still in alive, I wrote my first three books. I was always disseminating, giving lectures and lessons.

After Rabash’s death, there was a period when I had no strength to start anything new. I kept to myself and wrote books. But a few years later, I resumed active dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is the only reason why I’m furthering correction and my personal advancement.

Participating in dissemination, to whatever extent you can, is essential. Of course, not everyone can write or educate, but every person must have some responsibility, working on passing the method to the whole world, wanting to help people, and thereby express his love of others, to see everybody unified, happy, connected, banded into a single whole, until we are all one soul.

This is why we must create a US-based global dissemination center so that the method of correction will spread from here to the entire world. And you all must rally around this center so that everyone could exert maximum effort, their maximum potential and talents towards our collective success. Because if we don’t, the crisis will get out of control.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

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Wake Yourself Up!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I am getting an impression that all my friends fell into a “sleeping mode” now. What can I say to them to wake them up?

Answer: If they feel that you need them, they will wake up. It all depends on the person himself. He must trust that the group is willing, but that he is the only problem. As soon as he opens his heart, he sees that he is connected with all hearts, burning and alert. Don’t say anything to them, say it to yourself.
From the evening meal 4/21/2011

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The Void Before The Revelation

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You said that when we read The Book of Zohar we should focus on unity. But how is it expressed? What action should I be thinking about? After all, the very word “unity” doesn’t strike a chord in me.

Answer: A feeling of unity builds up in a person very gradually, over the course of many months, until he begins to sense a certain “taste” in unification with the friends and finds some type of reality in it.

We experience on ourselves all the actions in the process of which, during millions of years of evolution, the vegetative degree formed from the inanimate one, the animate from the vegetative, and the human from the animate. But we undergo similar states at an enormous speed.

You ask about the state you haven’t obtained yet. You are trying to tap where this sensation of oneness may unfold, the feeling of unity and bestowal, when you step out of yourself, your ego. But nothing is really clear to you.

This is a sign of attainment. You start approaching the state which you seek and don’t know how to find: “I am looking for my brothers.” I seek unity and don’t find it. Does it even exist? What is it? How do I get hold of it?!

This is “the void before the revelation.” You are already standing at the threshold of it. And so it is, always. The question about the state you don’t possess is the very state that precedes it. You must simply go on, give the Light time to do its work. If you are present in the group, at the lessons, disseminate, and do everything you can, give the Light a chance to do the job.

As described in the “Introduction to The Study of Ten Sefirot,” Item 133: “ And only the heroes among them, whose patience endured, defeated the guards and opened the gate. And they were instantly awarded seeing the King’s face, who appointed each of them in his right place.” Just be patient! If it takes ten years, so be it. Another ten, big deal.

And those who think they are smart “jump off the carriage,” and in ten years you see that they don’t have anything. You can say: “But I don’t have anything either, do I?!” You possess great desire, an understanding that you are lacking unity.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/2011, The Book of Zohar

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