Being Born Into A New World

Dr. Michael LaitmanToday, it is already obvious that nature is in a state of relative balance, and it demands that we come to the same level. This must manifest in material life with “green” technologies and so on, and in social, personal interrelationships. In this way, we can realize balance between the two levels.

First of all, we must consume only the barest of necessities from nature. Then, it is not important how many billions of people will be living in the world because if nature had made it possible, it means that it is able to feed everyone as long as we are using its resources correctly. Second, balance with nature in everything must be maintained on the human level. Here is where most of the weight falls in the realization of evil.

Moderate consumption is the material realization of evil. Otherwise, we are destroying the entire natural foundation, we are cutting the branch on which we are sitting. Gradually, we must build human society according to nature’s laws, leading it to equality and balance. Otherwise, awaiting us are revolutions, wars, and other cataclysms, which are already flaring up with threatening regularity.

Today, global leaders and rulers have no ability to do anything. We’re faced with a dilemma to either go through numerous wars and a difficult birth into the new world, or a conscious development in accordance with nature’s requirements obliging us to a just allocation. Of course, it is not possible to allocate the same thing to everyone. It is necessary to comply with the culture, region, climate, and so on. The key is to provide for everyone within generally accepted limits.

Besides this, the internal realization of evil shows that we must be connected into one system like one man with one heart. Only this way will we reach harmony with nature.

Internal unity manifests according to one’s individual capabilities. A person can harm others and not feel it. That is why we have to activate the mass media and the system of education so that people all over the world realize the evil of egoistic interrelationships more and more. Everything depends precisely on education.

Furthermore, at some stage in this process, people will see that the quality of bestowal, just on its own, gives them a sense of confidence; it carries goodness. Then, gradually, they finally will hear that true unity, similarity to nature, and connecting to it allows us to feel the power of love hidden in it.

This force connects all parts of nature and lifts up the whole system, the entire universe, all levels from the inanimate to human, onto a higher level. All of this is happening to us thanks to the realization of evil. That very lever, that very means, that stimulus, that instrument, provides the means by which we unite with nature ever more as a whole, and we are coming out into the new, higher, eternal dimension of being.

The entire evolution is aimed at this. Whether we want it or not, we will have to unite with nature. On the other hand, we have the opportunity to sharpen the realization of evil before the misfortunes arrive; we can move forward toward correction by the good path, like good children do in agreement with their parents. We can learn from nature before we summon from it a more serious reaction to our imbalance.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/37/2011, The Principles of Global Education

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