It All Depends On Desire

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If human nature is the will to enjoy, why then is the majority of humanity satisfied with very little and why doesn’t it seek eternal pleasure?

Answer: Some time ago, I ran into my old childhood friend. Back then he was already collecting stamps. In my own time, when I “grew out” of this hobby, I gave him my entire collection. I recall that stamps had lost value in my eyes, but he really liked them.

So, when we met this time, he said to me: “Now I also collect envelopes.” He said it with such seriousness that I promised to send him our envelope. There is nothing funny about this: A person values something, he has a certain desire. I didn’t even want to start talking to him about the Lights and eternal pleasure. What sense will it make if he wants to talk about envelopes and stamps?

Everything derives from desire. When I had a desire, I collected stamps. In childhood, everybody passes through such periods. But his desire remained, so how can I pass my desire to him? It is impossible.

I saw many children growing up near Rabash, as well as his students and relatives. If a child has a desire, it is there; and if he doesn’t, it isn’t. You cannot force it on him. He sees what you do, and the rest depends on his aspirations. There is nothing you can do in this regard.

So, we can’t demand a person to work on unification. How many people in the world really care about it and wish to see the whole world as one simple Light, one force? Who wants to see only this picture of reality and not to even feel himself in it? You either have such desire or you don’t.

Yes, with the help of the group we can speed up our development, but again, without pressuring a person.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/10/2011, Writings of Rabash

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