Anticipating The Light That Reforms

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe always experience extreme difficulty when studying anything relative to Partzuf Adam HaRishon (“the First Man”), which consists of two parts, the male and female ones, Adam and Eve (Zachar and Nukva). It could be the simplest of things, but since our structures are different (it has the spiritual structure while we have the material one), in our case 1+1=2, and in its, 1+1=3 (as it is written, “Husband and wife, the Creator, Shechina (Divinity), between them”). And we are incapable of understanding this.

We don’t need all these infinite details that are described in Talmud Eser Sefirot; we study them only in order to draw the Light that Reforms. And inside the entire content that we discuss, there is our intention, the expectation that the Light will come. That’s all we are talking about.

But we have to keep in mind that it talks about me, the structure of my soul, the various spiritual states it undergoes. I don’t feel them just yet, but all of them are given to me for one reason: to live through each state, from start to end. I can’t escape any single state described in the book.

Each of us passes through the same states on this path. Therefore, a student’s job is to cleave to the upper one, to the teacher. After all, the upper one has already gone through these states, and by clinging to him, you will pass through them as well. We draw the Light namely by studying what is written about your soul.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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It Is Our Job

Dr. Michael LaitmanAll the problems in the world are caused by the fact that Israel, those who are yearning for the Creator, are not carrying out the task they have been entrusted with. That is what Kabbalists write. We are not bringing the method of correction to the world or educating them about it.

Essentially, the world is not expected to do anything; it just accepts this method from us, and we are the ones who put it into practice. Therefore, all work is supposed to be done by us. We start and finish it.

The world will supply you with the desires (Kelim) if you find a way to appeal to and receive them from it. The world itself doesn’t perform any actions. In other words, its actions will derive from nature itself. It is written that “The nations of the world will carry Israel on their shoulders.” They will do it when the correction unfolds.

However, only those possessing free will have two forces: the female and the male (the desire to receive pleasure and the desire to bestow it). They are the ones regarded as “Israel,” which means “straight to the Creator” (Yashar El). In the middle line they can draw the Light that Reforms for the entire world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 24/13/2011, Writings of Rabash

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Your Personal Desires Won’t Take You Far

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can the circulation of Kabbalah serve as a springboard for doing the work in order to bestow, as desire does?

Answer: Circulation is a priority. After all, by spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah, I give explanations to the whole world so that people may wake up. And as a result, I will receive their desire aimed for correction.

Desires that awaken in us, in the world movement of “Bnei Baruch,” in those who aspire to the Creator (Israel), are not sufficient. We need to store desires from all over the world, and to achieve this, we must spread the wisdom of Kabbalah. Such dissemination is regarded as the “Messiah’s Horn.”

Thanks to these desires, we will be able to deliver the method of transformation correctly, to make it lighter and simpler for all. The way we present it depends upon who is sitting before us and to whom we give all the explanations. In accordance with that, we can speak more freely, openly, and simply, all because we absorb the desires of others.

This is why we need desires from that part of humanity that cannot repair itself. And then, strength will be given from Above to the part that is capable of correcting itself so that the second part may get corrected through the first.

And if there is a part yearning for the Creator (Israel), which is able to establish a connection with Him, then the part that doesn’t have direct connection with the Creator must be attached to it. Then both of them, “Israel” and “the nations of the world,” will receive powers and repair themselves.

However, if they aren’t mutually connected, Israel won’t receive strength from Above since on one’s own, a person doesn’t require correction. He was broken solely in order to transform the peoples of the world. And the nations of the world, or those who cannot wake up by themselves, won’t receive the strength either since they don’t have anyone to receive it from. Then, the nations of the world will turn their hate and bad influence onto Israel in order to wake it up to the fulfillment of their task.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/2011, Writings of Rabash

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