Decorating The Bride

Dr. Michael LaitmanWritings of Rabash, “What is the Feast of the Groom”: The “bride” signifies work during the time of exile, when the Creator’s face is concealed. It is when the forces of disunity rule over a person.

Kabbalists try to explain a simple principle to us in different ways. Creation as a whole is called “bride.” This is the “matter” of the desire, which we must raise to the height of the Creator in order to unite with Him, revealing the Good who Does Good.

When we discover problems in our murky matter, we have to understand that we shouldn’t nullify it, but “sanctify” it, meaning correct it. That is how we continuously ascend higher with its help. Precisely the additions of Aviut from the matter that become revealed in us build the levels of the spiritual ladder for us, one after the other.

This is a cyclical process which requires a simple action. Just like in a computer, everything is determined by the choice of two positions: “yes” and “no,” “0” and “1.” By consolidating many actions like this, we can reach any analysis, express any quality and any form of interaction between the Creator and creation, between the force of bestowal and the force of reception.

Thus, the only thing remaining for a person to do is to accelerate the time. On one hand he sees that the bride is ugly, but on the other hand he understands that the egoistic desire distorts the true picture. This desire is horrible, casting a person away from the goal and throwing him into a descent.

However, by studying the “bride” through the prism of the desire for bestowal, a person sees that if he “sanctifies” his egoism, then he will be able to “decorate” and “beautify” it, the way it is customary to adorn the bride before the wedding. Then the corrected desire will lead a person out to the level of the “groom.”

Various situations arise in this process. Sometimes we do not agree to accept our egoistic desire, seeing how ugly it is. Sometimes on the contrary, we understand that we have to accept and correct it, to decorate it by making efforts.

In the end, as we advance by faith above reason, placing bestowal above reception, we reach the “feast of the groom.”

As a whole there are three states on this path:

1. The forces of disunity, the Shechina in exile, the beginning of the analysis.
2. During the period of spiritual exile we work on the bride, “dressing her up” and “decorating” her.
3. The “feast of the groom.”

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/10/11, Writings of Rabash

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