The Gateway Of Intentions

Dr. Michael LaitmanBeit Shaar HaKavanot (The Gateway of Intentions) is a book that more than any other is designed to prepare us to a “prayer,” a request for correction. Therefore, it doesn’t describe the universe in individual details; it doesn’t analyze, but rather, seeks to synthesize, to connect the individual parts together, and to show the entire universe as one, global, integrated system, interrelated and interdependent in all its details.

When a person observes the same forms in terms of both the particular and the general, he sees how everything is interconnected. That means that he is looking from the point of view of the “Igulim” (circles) of the system that belong to the final corrected state where the particular and the general are equal.

The particular can’t contain more or less than the general, and the general can’t contain more or less than any of its parts. Such is the law of perfection. That’s why such an approach to the world as a global, integrated, and coherent system is necessary to achieve prayer.

The reason the book is so important to us is because it constantly directs us at the overall system by demonstrating that we are but tiny parts of it, each of which is just as important as the entire system.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/26/10, “Beit Shaar HaKavanot”

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