Rising Above Problems On The Beam Of Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can a person who just got introduced to Kabbalah and arrives at the convention for the first time connect to it?

Answer: It doesn’t matter at what level a person is; he enters the collective field and feels that it is good. He will feel that it brings warmth, confidence, and protection. He will probably get an answer to some of life’s questions, and it will help him to solve problems within himself and at home.

The Upper Light gets revealed in the connection of people, it fills all cavities and flaws. Hence, everyone can feel that it is worthwhile to participate in unification. In the measure of one’s participation, the person will be able to connect to the Light, the wisdom of Kabbalah, and improve his life.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, contrary to religions, doesn’t claim that a person has to suffer. On the contrary, one should connect to the right environment (and he doesn’t even need to exert much effort to do so), and then he will start ascending on the beam of light.

All problems are solely from the lack of the Light in our life! And if we draw it to ourselves, we won’t feel any lack or serious problems: troubles, misfortunes, pain, and wars. Everything depends solely on the impact of the Light on our world.

It takes only a few minutes for a person to feel what a special place he has entered. Suppose he comes to the gathering, a cultural program: People sing, dance, and he may want to participate. If not, he could simply watch. He will feel warmth and lack of any personal pressure. So I don’t think that someone wouldn’t enjoy it.

People like this kind of atmosphere, even if they walked in accidentally, without seeking spirituality. After all, life usually doesn’t spoil us with such good moments, and people truly miss that.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/18/10, “The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence”

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