Perfect Attainment

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do we perceive the Creator: like other people outside of us or differently somehow?

Answer: The difference between perceiving the Creator and perceiving other people can be likened to perceiving the general and the particular. Due to truly beginning to feel people, I reach the perception of the general which includes everything and is called the Creator.

However, there is a difference between the particular and the general. After all, the general is the root, the initial cause of everything. It is not just a few people or many together, individuals or the entire totality. The general implies attainment of the root of creation. This is a qualitative addition.

The difference is not in drinking from a hundred separate glasses or from one big glass with all one hundred portions poured together. I attain the cause of creation, the process that includes everything and its goal. The root encompasses everything, and other people cannot provide such attainment, only the Creator can.

The goal of the Creator is to bring us precisely to this point! And prior to it, our state is still imperfect.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/10, “The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence”

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