Kabbalists On The Language Of Kabbalah, Part 3

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about these passages from the great Kabbalists. The commentaries in brackets are mine.

The Wisdom of Kabbalah Does Not Speak of Our Corporeal World

Regarding the entry, Adam Kadmon, I was appalled to see that a corporeal form was depicted for the concept of Adam Kadmon of the Kabbalah, which is only a metaphysical concept, a Godly concept. God forbid that we should allow ourselves to materialize these sacred concepts, even as a way of studying. [There is no form in spirituality, only forces; therefore, we are allowed to illustrate only correlations between them. See Baal HaSulam’s drawings Sefer HaElan.]
– Rav Kook, Letters, Vol 1, pg. 162

Woe to that person [an unfortunate ignorant man] who says that the Torah is meant to tell literal stories [that allegedly take place in our world], and in uneducated words of Esau, Laban, etc., for if that were the case, even today we could turn words of an uneducated into a Torah, and even nicer ones than they. If the Torah is meant to show mundane matters, even world rulers have better things among them. Let us follow them and make them into a Torah as well. Rather [it’s not the case at all, and not a single world of the Torah speaks of our world, instead], all the words of the Torah are sublime secrets.
The Book of Zohar with the Sulam [Ladder] Commentary, Parashat BeHaalotecha, Item 58

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Kabbalists On The Language Of Kabbalah, Part 2
Laitman.com Post: Acquiring A Spiritual Dictionary
Laitman.com Post: How To Go From A Corporeal Picture To The Spiritual One


  1. Doesn’t a root touch down into a branch once?

  2. O primeiro paragrafo não estou neste nível e tem mais obscuridade do que clareza .
    O segundo paragrafo: a Torah fala dos mundos superiores e a forma de alcança-los, propondo um pacto de doação e recepção entre amigos num ambiente favorável a esta conexão, é mais claro de entender. Entretanto não creio ser fácil aumentar a chispa de Luz Interior porque estamos distantes no espaço, apesar que a internet encurta o contato e permite diminuir o tempo do reencontro com os amigos. Hoje estou estudando o livro o Zohar do Rav. Laitman . Para não faze-lo sozinha, lemos, discutimos e refletimos juntos, eu e meu marido. Rezo para que a Luz Circundante sinta atração por esses atos .

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