The First Contact With Spirituality

Dr. Michael LaitmanA question I received: In addition to thinking about studying together and wanting to correct ourselves, what should our connection be with the text while reading The Zohar?

My Answer: The connection with the text of The Zohar will come later; you will start feeling how it excites you. The Zohar touches one’s innermost layer of the heart as if it were a very personal, intimate, life-changing letter, a letter from someone very dear to you.

You may go through various states, plunge into some thoughts and actions; however, when you come back to The Zohar, you feel that it enlivens you. It fills, calms, caresses, embraces, and envelops you. This text expresses the state of the soul that is in absolute adhesion with the Creator.

After a person receives a very first sensation of spirituality, he already knows what it means. He can’t live without it anymore. For him, it’s like a very personal, inner message from Above, like “cold water for a weary soul.”

The first feeling is followed by more complex and richer sensations that burst out into a full drama. Yet first we need an initial contact that requires a few years of serious work. If we do it together and really desire it by helping and obligating each other, it will take less time.

We need to establish a contact with spirituality. It may not even be the initial adhesion, but a certain anticipation and sensation that transcend the boundaries of our ordinary reality. Everything seemingly remains the same, yet above everything there is a state starting from which a person unites with The Zohar.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/14/10, The Zohar

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