Magical Binoculars

A question I received: How do you manage to understand what is written in The Zohar? Could you share your secret?

My Answer: I see rather than understand. I simply see. Let’s suppose that you and I are standing together, and I have binoculars while you do not, and maybe even your eyesight isn’t so great. You ask me, “What’s here? What’s there?” I see through my eyesight, and if it’s not enough, I look into the binoculars, the telescope, or the microscope.

In other words, I have a means of seeing, and I tell you about what I see. Meanwhile, you do not see it. It is something completely new for you – something strange, which may or may not exist. It is all unclear, confusing, and unfamiliar to you.

Therefore, you need to acquire these devices: “binoculars,” “telescopes,” and “microscopes.” And in order to acquire them, you need the Upper Light. These devices are the screen, which helps you see a new, Upper world. We merely need to rouse the Upper Light on us, and the most effective means for this is mutual study in a group using Kabbalistic sources.

From the Sunday Morning Zohar Lesson 5/23/10

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