We Can Escape From Egypt Only Together

Laitman_016_01A question I received: Spiritual attainment could be both individual and general. Can there also be an individual and general exodus from Egypt?

My Answer: According to the spiritual law – the law of Nature – everything that happens in the particular happens in the general as well, and vice versa. In our time, an individual exodus from Egypt (exodus from egoism, crossing the Machsom) is no longer possible; the exodus can only be general.

The science of Kabbalah describes the process of exodus: The nation has the spiritual leaders, such like Moses and Aaron, yet it escapes from Egypt in its entirety. In other words, by connecting with each other, a large number of people come out of the exile. They rise above their egoism particularly by interconnecting, helping each other, and escaping from Pharaoh (our ego) together. That’s why specifically disseminating the science of Kabbalah and connecting among us can bring us redemption and take us out of Egypt.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Freedom From Exile For The Entire World
Laitman.com Post: Escaping The Rule Of Our Desire
Interview with the Future: “The Exodus from Egypt – from Corporeality to Spirituality”

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