The Cycle Of Spiritual Birth

Dr. Michael Laitman A question I received: Does a person who completed the prior stage of spiritual development and acknowledged its death realize that the “dead” stage became his “grave” and that he will be reborn again?

My Answer: A person won’t be concerned about that at all. He is simply unable to continue to stay within his old desire. It feels disgusting to him. His old desire died and he simply cannot stay alive at that same stage any longer. This is because it becomes “receiving” for himself while he is still striving to reach the stage of bestowal. He is not preoccupied with what awaits him; he simply cannot stay where he is any longer since it means death for him.

The sensation of death that is associated with the previous level is what brings the person to a new stage. The grave transforms into his spiritual, mother’s womb and the whole process starts all over again…until the womb turns into the grave. This is how our lower level transforms into the upper one and we advance.

We don’t get anything that is “ready-made” for us; we must make efforts to discover and attract the Light. At each stage, we work with the same desires by investigating them each time at a deeper level because the Light we attract progressively returns us back to the Source. We come to understand that we are unable to stay within the old desire and that we have to be re-born at a newer level, whatever it demands of us.

This transition is similar to the exodus from Egypt. We escape into the darkness. We don’t see the Light ahead of us. Like in the exodus, we are preoccupied with escaping and in a hurry. Our current situation becomes totally intolerable to the extent that even death seems more preferable than life. At this point we are being born in the new spiritual level.

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