The Meaning of the Dissemination of Kabbalah

963.3Question: What does disseminating Kabbalah give a person?

Answer: The real dissemination is attracting souls and desires detached from you to unity and further working with them to achieve unity.

A person disseminates the idea of global unity to those desires that feel as if they were outside of him.

As soon as they begin to perceive it, he engages with them in studying, in unification, and then does everything to come together with them to one whole.

In principle, dissemination itself goes according to the inner desire to unite with everyone. But, beside this, external work is also necessary because you otherwise cannot approach a person at all.

Therefore, you need to give him something external because we live in a corporeal world, that is, in such desires that manifest between us in the form of projections of bodies, objects, books, computers, and so on.

We must use these projections of desires in our imagination, that is, tangible objects and matter. We should use it the way it is perceived by us, although in reality it does not exist; it is simply depicted to us by our desires.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Meaning of Kabbalah Dissemination” 2/12/12

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