Take Your Place

249.01Question: Among your students, there are certain layers: the so-called “light cavalry” and the “core.” Each occupies their own place, and no one should replace anyone else. But how can a person determine their place?

Answer: They determine it themselves. In the process of studying, everyone finds their place.

It is like, for example, balls floating in a thick layer of liquid, where each ball occupies a certain place according to its specific gravity, density, and the density of the liquid. One floats on the surface, another closer to the bottom, and so on. Similarly, the students are distributed according to the properties, qualities of their desire, and intention.

And none of them interfere with each other. They are all in a relatively suspended state: above is the Creator, below is our world, and they are in between these two boundaries. Therefore, it depends on each individual at what level they will hang in this thickness. Just as when a hot air balloon is heated, it rises, and when it cools down, it descends.

Comment: But every person by nature wants to be the best.

My Response: Yes, that’s true. But the thing is, they must work against their egoism, and that’s not so simple. Not everyone can be the best. To achieve that, one must apply a lot of effort directed against oneself.

Question: Still, everyone wants to become a great Kabbalist. But does it depend not on the person, but on their properties?

Answer: Yes and no. Even throughout history, there have been Kabbalists who initially had very few abilities for this.

We’re not talking about such great Kabbalists as the Ari. They are special souls placed from above as cornerstones on the common path of humanity.

But if we’re talking simply about a person, here there are absolutely no limitations for anyone.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Find Yourself?” 1/27/12

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