Faith and Shame

281.01Question: We must learn how to use our receiving Kelim for bestowal, but in fact we are the ones who get corrected. In this case, how should we deal with shame?

Answer: Shame is a good quality. It corrects us and gradually turns us in a way that we stop receiving for our own sake.

Question: For me, the Creator is so great that for His sake I am ready to bestow to everyone. But at the same time, I no longer want His revelation.

On the contrary, I am ashamed if He reveals Himself. I want to hide before Him because He is so great in my eyes. What is this faith called?

Answer: It is called simple faith; when you do not desire anything other than all the opportunities that the Creator gives you to help others, to support and encourage them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

Related Material:
Shame Is a Separate Creation of the Creator
Shame Is A Beneficial Quality
Spiritual Shame

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