Raise the Importance of the Friends

938.03Question: In the article “The Agenda of the Assembly,” Rabash writes that when friends gather together, they should talk about each other’s importance.

It seems unnatural to me. I have never heard of people invited to a meeting talking about the importance of each other, the benefits they can gain from the meeting, and how significant those benefits are compared to not attending. Why does Rabash give such unnatural advice?

Answer: In principle, there is nothing unnatural here because we are talking about friends gathering in a group. The purpose of this group is to perform spiritual work that can only be realized together.

Additionally, they understand that their spiritual development depends on how well they connect with each other. Therefore, the article discusses what such a group should be like, how friends should interact with each other, and their attitudes toward one another. All these are very important elements of the spiritual work of each member of the group.

Comment: You agree that when a person goes to a meeting, he does not think, “How great these friends are!” If he is interested in being with them, he goes. If he sees them as ordinary, he simply does not attend the meeting. But here we come and have to artificially elevate the importance of the friends.

My Response: Yes, that is correct. Moreover, this may be, as they say, “out of the blue” when a person has no such thoughts or intentions at all. But he begins to seriously contemplate this and gradually develops a desire for the gathering, for his friends, understands how important they are, and realizes that achieving the highest condition of spiritual ascent from the level of our world to the spiritual world depends solely on how the friends unite and aim upward together.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/4/24

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