How Can You Verify the Authenticity of Bestowal?

243.01Question: How can you verify the authenticity of bestowal when habit becoming second nature brings it to automatism?

Answer: Bestowal cannot be brought to automatism because to perform the act of bestowal one must halt the automatic act of receiving and reorient oneself.

Question: If bestowal seems very sweet to me while the egoism in which I exist seems bitter, what is my work in the heart?

Answer: The work is in making egoism appear so bitter to you that you no longer wish to be in it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False”

Related Material:
Bestowal—a Special Perception of the World
The Rhythm Of Life Between Reception And Bestowal
Bestowal Should Become Fashionable

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