How Can We Strengthen Faith in the Creator?

237Question: What is the difference in work in faith above reason during descents and during ascents?

Answer: In descents, I do not have much faith above reason; it is hard for me to fulfill these conditions. That is why this state is called a descent. In an ascent, I am ready to do everything because I have strength, enthusiasm, and joy.

Question: How can we correctly add to the greatness of the Creator, and what is the practice that contributes to the growth of faith?

Answer: We must add the greatness of the Creator correctly in any state. We need to always strive for this.

If you act together with your friends, it increases and strengthens your faith in the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Knowledge and Faith”

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Faith in the Creator
Believing In The Creator’s Greatness
The Greatness Of The Creator

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