Great Responsibility

626Question: Should we learn to differentiate between the people of Israel and all other peoples in the world?

Answer: There is a much easier path to correcting their souls for the peoples of the world than for the people of Israel. Therefore we do not need to separate these categories. To the extent that we feel the need for correction in our movement toward the Creator, in drawing closer to Him, that is how we will act.

Comment: But we still must awaken this need for adhesion with the Creator.

My Response: If you have a predisposition to this, then you can join and help in the general correction of the nations of the world. Gradually you will begin to feel their souls and will be able to elevate them.

That is a great responsibility that falls on the people of Israel or on those who join in the correction so that they can spread the methodology of correcting souls and unite.
From the 2nd part of  the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/6/24, “The Holocaust Remembrance Day“

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