Exalt the Friends

528.01Judging a friend to the scale of merit means exalting each of them and putting them much higher than yourself. In this way we will be able to lift the whole group literally to the heavens. That is, everyone in the group will be able to be a great mediator between all its members and the Creator.

A person who is in a group of like-minded people should always elevate his friends, even if he sees some flaws in them. He must tell himself that he judges them as uncorrected because he himself has such an uncorrected vision. As it is said, everyone judges according to the measure of their depravity.

Question: But the group exists according to some rules. If I and others also see specifically that a person violates the rules of the spiritual work, should I still weigh him on the scale of merit?

Answer: It is necessary to understand this, but in general, yes. It depends on who we are talking about. If this is just an ordinary friend or someone who has recently started studying, then what can be done?

Maybe he does not understand it yet or is in the process of working on himself internally, but we do not see it.

In general, we must move forward. Over time, all members of the group will begin to understand how they should be interconnected and mutually oblige each other, and this will move them forward.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 4/11/24

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