We Are Aliens on this Earth

712.03Question: The great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam told a parable about a man who committed a serious crime against the king and was sentenced to 20 years and was exiled to a remote island where there were other exiles.

Once there, the disease of amnesia struck him. He forgot that he had a wife, children, friends, and acquaintances. He began to think that the whole world was nothing more than what he saw, this distant place with people, and he thought that he was born there. That is, all this became true for him.

The question is, can we say that we are exiled to this Earth?

Answer: Indeed, it is not our place of birth and development. That is, we are aliens on this Earth. We have not yet been given the opportunity to know from where and how. But we are strangers here on this Earth.

We are not suitable either in our development or in our nature for what is here. We exist this way because this is how the Creator wishes it for now.

Question: Why do we not treat this Earth as a mother?

Answer: We have no connection with it.

Question: Why are we being punished?

Answer: We are not punished. We are going through a developmental stage. There is no punishment in this.

Question: So did we need to be here to develop? To the point where our connection reaches the level of a higher power?

Answer: Yes, I do not think we will feel it here, in earthly life, but we are moving toward it.

Question: One may ask, what is the true reality? We take our existence as truth. But it is not true, as you say. Is it not so?

Answer: Correct.

Question: What is it—actual reality, truth?

Answer: The actual reality is that we can move away from our usual ideas about nature, ourselves, and the Creator, and realize our cosmic nature.

Question: But what is it like?

Answer: It is entirely unearthly and has nothing to do with our body, thoughts, or anything. We must rise above all of this. The actual world is what is out there somewhere…

Question: Above all the senses, above everything?

Answer: Above everything! It is what we will comprehend later in our completely new sensations.

Question: And this, in principle, cannot be described to a person? It is impossible. Only one who has comprehended this can feel the actual reality.

Answer: Yes.

Question: Please tell me what we still need to do to be returned from here to there.

Answer: We just need to want to unite.

Question: As I understand it, humanity now wants to wake up more and more because this dream is becoming more and more terrible. Almost everyone has a powerful feeling that something has changed. Is this a search for the truth, or is it just an escape from suffering?

Answer: It is not even an escape from suffering.

Question: What is it? Is a person simply looking for where he will feel good?

Answer: A person is looking for something to adhere to. Otherwise, every second becomes more prolonged and it makes no sense. It is hard for a person and nothing more.

Question: And nothing more? Are there no higher thoughts?

Answer: No! Nothing and nowhere.

Question: Will they, sooner or later, introduce us to the understanding that we must, as you say, take all these steps toward eternity, toward truth, toward our homeland?

Answer: We will get there. I hope we will somehow wake up from a terrible noise, rumble, and see the sky exploding. What will happen to us? That is when we’ll start thinking.

Question: So the whole task is to come to the question one way or another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Have we not come to this question yet?

Answer: No! Let us come to the egoistic question: “What will happen to us?” At least get close to it, and then these wheels will slowly begin to move.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/25/24

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