Preference for Reward

276.02Question: If punishment and reward are concealed from us in the spiritual work, how can we work with them and focus on them?

Answer: You must correctly understand the difference between punishment and reward and constantly determine what the level of reward needed to be in order to move forward.

We cannot precisely measure this level, but we must imagine that it is above everything else. The reward in our work is partial or complete revelation of the Creator.

Question: How does the ten help with this?

Answer: It helps with everything because your friends also want to exist in this state, to feel spirituality, and to provide mutual help. Depending on this, you collectively engage in the work.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Knowledge and Faith”

Related Material:
Reward and Punishment from the Kabbalah Point of View
Reward And Punishment In Our Lives, Part 2
Both Reward And Punishment Are In My Favor

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