How Can We Achieve Our Goal

569.01Question: Every desire has an end goal and components. Do we need to cling to the final goal and ask for it all the time? Or do we need to delve as much as possible into the constituent moments, clarify them, and ask until these requests lead us to the final request for the ultimate goal of the desire?

Answer: We, after all, need to look through the immediate goal to the last goal and in this way, move forward.

Question: Could the clarification lead me to another desire or goal?

Answer: It depends on how you look at the goal. For example, a gun has two sights. When you look at the target from the nearest sight to the far one, you will hit the target. The same goes for us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “You Shall Not Have in Your Pocket a Big Stone”

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