What Does the Creator Need?

629.4Question: How does one work properly with pride on the spiritual path?

Answer: To the extent of a person feeling superior to others, he feels himself in a descent compared to them.

Conversely, as much as he can annul himself, he feels his state to be higher and closer to the Creator. In principle, when we almost completely nullify ourselves, we approach Him.

You do not feel or see the Creator because He is concealed. He does not need your honors and special treatment. He wants you to change yourself, become like Him, and let others not even know about it.

Therefore, the wisdom of Kabbalah is called the wisdom of concealment. After all, a person who wants to ascend into spirituality conceals himself more and more from others like the Creator, and, accordingly, no one prevents him from becoming like the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Man’s Pride Shall Bring Him Low“

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