The Creator Is Indebted

509Question: Why is it that in Lishma when we are in adhesion with the Creator, He is considered indebted to us?

Answer: Because a person believes that if he performs an act of bestowal, then the Creator supposedly owes him.

That is an incorrect state, but it occurs when you fall from Lishma (for the sake of the Creator) to Lo Lishma (for your own sake).

A person thinks that he has done something good to the Creator and does not understand that it was the Creator who gave him the thought to perform this action.

Only after he completely corrects the will to receive for his own sake does the Creator cease to be indebted to him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/4/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “From Lo Lishma, We Come to Lishma

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