Questions about Spiritual Work—42

600.02Question: What is modesty in spiritual work?

Answer: Modesty is when a person does not demand anything other than to go out into receiving for the sake of bestowal (Lishma). If that is all he thinks about, it gets passed on to everyone else.

Question: It is said that when the body gets used to working against the desire to receive, a person has the means to work to bring pleasure to the Creator. What means are Baal HaSulam and Rabash talking about?

Answer: Do what you believe gives pleasure to the Creator. If you do not know this, join your friends and do it with them.

Question: How do we correctly perceive the inner essence of the Torah so that this can improve the quality of connection in the ten, strengthen the unification, and reveal the Creator between us?

Answer: Read the article we are studying in class together once a day. And you will see how everything will go smoothly.

Question: How do we, together with our friends in the ten, form a Kli in prayer?

Answer: You form it from your attachment to the Creator, your excitement of Him. So, no matter what you do, you are doing a group action.

Question: What determines the strength of the Kli in prayer?

Answer: Your unity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/30/23, Writings of Baal HaSulamLishma Is an Awakening from Above, and Why Do We Need an Awakening from Below?“

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