Questions about Spiritual Work—32

560Question: When a person receives pleasure for the sake of bestowal, does it also extinguish his Hisaron?

Answer: Of course. This is real pleasure because a person receives it in the Kelim for the sake of bestowal.

Question: How can one be a correctly tuned instrument of the Creator in the material world and constantly be in inner work? What does this person look like?

Answer: This person constantly sees the Creator in front of him.

Question: The main thing in a person’s efforts should be the achievement of strength that gives a feeling of the taste of bestowal. This is achieved by reducing the power that gives the feeling of the taste of receiving for oneself. How does the taste of receiving for oneself differ from the taste of receiving for the sake of giving to the Creator?

Answer: I cannot explain this in any way because first you have to taste it, and then you will know.

Question: You said that we need to feel the Creator in our friends. Where exactly in my friends do I feel the Creator?

Answer: At the center of your group where you all come together with your thoughts, feelings, and desires.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/16/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “As Though Standing before a King“

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