Only Kindness and Mercy

294.4Question: When the Creator reveals your qualities to you, you see on one hand that they are like helpers on the spiritual path, and on the other hand they simply destroy you and everything around you. What should my attitude be toward these qualities so that they are only for the sake of bestowal? How can we adapt to them?

Answer: First, everything comes from the Creator with only with one purpose—for us to determine what we need for complete correction.

You should not see any obstacles in your qualities because all this is only good from the side of the Creator. As King David said, Only goodness and mercy accompany me all the days of my life,  even though he suffered a lot.

We also need to learn to perceive the influence of the Creator on us as full of goodness. It is intended only to correct us, our attitude to each other, and the world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/29/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Descends and Incites, Ascends and Complains“

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