Don’t Ruin Your Inner Voice

592.01Comment: When you write, you are silent.

My Response: You speak, there is an inner conversation going on within you.

Question: Is there power in silence and writing?

Answer: Yes. Writing is a very effective tool. I would say it is necessary to use it too, perhaps less often. Look how much is written! Everyone is scribbling.

Comment: Splashing out their ego.

My Response: Yes, but in reality, of course, it is necessary to restrain ourselves.

Comment: You once said that all sorts of romance novels and so on, were written only 300 to 400 years ago. Before that, there was a constant search for the Creator and only that was written about.

My Response: Yes, they wrote only about connection with the Creator. People were searching for a way to get connected with the Creator. Then all kinds of technology came along, and people started to travel more, to communicate more, and to lose their inner voice.

They began to pay attention to the connections between people, especially connection between men and women. Throughout the history of mankind there were no novels, novellas, or such genres when it would be possible to talk about or write about it. It all started somewhere with Shakespeare and beyond.

In Judaism, there was none of this at all. And there were no songs about love. Who there even thought of singing about love?

Question: What is “Song of Songs” then, which speaks exclusively about love?

Answer: But it is directed only toward the Creator! That has nothing to do with the retelling of some gender-related feelings.

Question: Was the “Song of Songs,” which was written by King Solomon, his declaration of love to the Creator?

Answer: Certainly, there is genuine love from the soul to the source of the soul, the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

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