Between Feeling and Reason

260.01Question: When a person is impressed by spirituality because he somehow frees a place within himself to receive this feeling, it is like a gift for him. But when he turns on his mind, he falls out of this feeling. In this case, how does one regulate the balance between feeling and reason?

Answer: This is all done by the Creator. There is nothing we can do ourselves except to ask Him not to move away and to bring us closer to Him. We can connect and thus convince Him not to leave us.

He must do everything based on what each one needs: give someone an understanding, give someone else a feeling, and so on. The only thing we should do is ask to be connected with each other and come closer to the Creator. Understanding and feelings will come by themselves.

Question: Is it necessary to force the brain to receive vitality from spirituality or should it be a natural process?

Answer: I do not think you should do it. This is a natural process. We should only think about our connection, and coming closer to each other in tens, hundreds, and thousands. If we come to this, then together we will get closer to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Action Affects the Thought“

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